
Alloggiamenti, affitti , Villaggi vacanze in Auvergne

    Villages and vacation centers
    Villages and vacation centres, it is the alliance of quality hostings in a multiplicity of the services. You will have access to numerous activities, sports, games, the whole in a festive atmosphere, you will have no time to annoy you. Everything is organized, of what to simplify your holidays! It is the formula completed for all the family.
10 in Auvergne.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Auvergne é gratuito
  • **Tourisme-$note $notationNom $label pour $titre**
  • **Tourisme-$note $notationNom $label pour $titre**
  • **Tourisme-$note $notationNom $label pour $titre**
foto di Les Chalets du Lac
  • Bassa stagione 350€ a 420€
  • Media stagione 420€ a 460€
  • Alta stagione 460€ a 660€
  • Vacanze scolastiche 660€ a 770€

Villaggi vacanze a Aydat

Les Chalets du Lac

FOLLET LES CHALETS DU LAC 63970 Aydat (Puy-de-Dôme)
Tel : 04/73/79/82/22  - Fax : 04/73/79/82/20
votre Chalet de Standing Au coeur du parc régional des volcans d'Auvergne,a Aydat, 20 minutes de Clermont-Ferrand
le Domaine des Chalets du Lac de standing 3 étoiles, vous attend pour organiser ...
  • Bassa stagione 278€ a 347€
  • Media stagione 330€ a 397€
  • Alta stagione 459€ a 573€

Villaggi vacanze a Saint-Amant-Roche-Savine


QUINTON 7 place de La Liberté 63890 Saint-Amant-Roche-Savine (Puy-de-Dôme)
Tel : 04 73 95 73 60
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Auvergne é gratuito