
Accommodation, Villages club in Auvergne

    Villages and vacation centers
    Villages and vacation centres, it is the alliance of quality hostings in a multiplicity of the services. You will have access to numerous activities, sports, games, the whole in a festive atmosphere, you will have no time to annoy you. Everything is organized, of what to simplify your holidays! It is the formula completed for all the family.
10 in Auvergne.
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picture of Les Chalets du moulin du Teil, Le rouget
  • low Season 350 €
  • Average season of 400€ to 430€
  • High season of 450€ to 480€
  • Weekend of 60 to 150 €

Villages club in Le Rouget

Les Chalets du moulin du Teil, Le rouget

Pascaline Babron Le moulin du Teil 15290 Le Rouget (Cantal)
Phone : 04 71 43 22 10
Welcome to our village of chalets, Le Rouget!
In the heart of la Châtaigneraie, between the volcanoes of the Cantal and the Highlands of the Quercy-Rouergues, discover an authentic landscape: ...

Villages club in Chomelix

Les Marches d'Auvergne

Sandrine Molimard Centre multi-activités 43500 Chomelix (Haute-Loire)
Phone : 04 71 01 21 06  - Fax : 04 71 01 22 44
Les Marches d’Auvergne, un lieu chaleureux situé au cœur du Parc Régional Livradois Forez qui offre un hébergement de qualité et de choix, mille façons de se ressourcer en profitant de notre ...
Register your touristic spot in Auvergne it's free (in French)