Hôtel de la Dentelle
43, rue du 4-septembre
43100 Brioude
телефон : 04 71 74 80 02 - факс : 04 71 74 87 62
http://www.hoteldeladentelle.comLocated in the same street as the museum, the Hotel de la Dentelle workshop is one of France's main place as far as contemporary lace creation in concerned.
Under the authority of two "Best craftswomen of France", young golden handed lacemakers are working a lace so modern enough for haute couture.
Prestigious pieces are made there during hundred of hours for customers.
If you can't afford the lace, try the technique, for they are also teachers of their art.
The workshop is open all year long, from monday to friday 8:30am - 12am and 2pm - 5:30pm.