![]() Alloggiamenti, affitti , Camere in famiglia in Auvergne
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Auvergne é gratuito
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Auvergne é gratuito
Camere in famiglia a LabesseretteChambres d'hôteset gîte Domaine de la GrangeotteAstrid et Francis Dubru Le Bourg , 15120 Labesserette 15120 Labesserette (Cantal)
Tel : 04 71 49 27 56
- Cellulare : 06 03 23 01 47
Camere in famiglia a Saint-Victor-MontvianeixDOMAINE DE MONTVIANEIX : chambres d'hôtes - gîteFORCE/MOULIER MONTVIANEIX 63550 Saint-Victor-Montvianeix (Puy-de-Dôme)
Tel : 04 73 94 02 95
- Cellulare : 06 31 94 34 40
Situated in the Regional Park of Livradois-Forez, at 620m of height, the Domain of Montvianeix extends over 14 ha of meadow and forest. From this protected environment full of quiet and a lot of ...
Camere in famiglia a Saint-Pierre-EynacAu pied du SucZIELINSKI Cécile et Jean-Marie Monnac 43260 Saint-Pierre-Eynac (Haute-Loire)
Tel : 04 71 08 78 54
Rooms arranged in an old farm restored out of stones and roofing stones. Broad panorama.Absolutely quiet. One room with double bed and a single, and a notherroom with three simple beds and two ... Camere in famiglia a Le ClauxChambres d'hôtes à LavialleVernet Jean-Jouis Lavialle 15400 Le Claux (Cantal)
Tel : 04 71 78 96 67
Capacité d'hébergement : 8 places3 chambres jardin Gîte équestre Camere in famiglia a LapeyrouseChambre d'hôte LapeyrouseEveleens et VanderRaaij Le Bourg 63700 Lapeyrouse (Puy-de-Dôme)
Tel : +33 (0)473520773
The Auvergne, one of the last peaceful areas in France is a region of nature and culture, renowned for its spectacular volcanic mountains. It has four departments: Allier, Cantal, Haute-Loire and Puy ...
Camere in famiglia a ArfeuillesAuberge du PrécontentBroek Le Précontent 03640 Arfeuilles (Allier)
Tel : 04 77 65 77 44
In the middle of the Montagne Bourbonnaise you find this auberge. If you want silence, nature and a warm welcome, this is the place to be.
Camere in famiglia a TeilhèdeLes Trois ClochersDominique Braun route de Manzat 63460 Teilhède 63460 Teilhède (Puy-de-Dôme)
Tel : 04 73 63 30 14
- Cellulare : 07 80 03 65 25
Camere in famiglia a Blot-l'ÉgliseDomaine des MailletsMr et Mme Grolleau Thierry et Milaine Route de St Pardoux 63440 Blot-l'Église (Puy-de-Dôme)
Tel : 04 73 97 55 10
- Cellulare : 07 70 52 42 30