
Heritage, visit, Natural spot in Auvergne

    Natural site
    Works of nature, the natural sites are as various as can be it landscapes. Wherever you are, discover circuses, collars, lakes, caves, chasms, marshes or else menhirs and dolmens around which mystery still resides.
17 in Auvergne.
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Natural spot in Aydat

Le Parc Naturel des Volcans d'Auvergne

Parc Naturel Château Montlosier 63970 Aydat (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 04 73 65 64 00  - Fax : 04 73 65 66 78
The "Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne" is a natural site 393000 hectares, spread on 4 volvanic mount areas and a granitic hill. Its covers 153 towns and villages. Unique landscapes, ...
Register your touristic spot in Auvergne it's free (in French)