Register your touristic spot in Auvergne it's free (in French)
Register your touristic spot in Auvergne it's free (in French)
Natural spot in OrcivalLAC DE SERVIERESOffice de Tourisme Terres Dômes-Sancy Le Bourg 63210 Orcival (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 04 73 65 89 77
- Fax : 04 73 65 89 78
A popular choice for families who want to relax on its grass banks. The « Lac de Servières » is a crater lake, formed from a volcanic explosion.
Natural spot in VolvicGrotte de la Maison de la PierreMontel Philippe 2 route du Pont Jany 63530 Volvic (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 04 73 33 56 92
Natural spot in OrcivalPlateau du GuéryOffice de Tourisme Terres Dômes-Sancy Le Bourg 63210 Orcival (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 04 73 65 89 77
Natural spot in Clermont-FerrandLe Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d' 63000 Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme)Natural spot in OrcivalHÊTRAIE D'ALLAGNATOffice de Tourisme Terres Dômes-Sancy Le Bourg 63210 Orcival (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 04 73 65 89 77
The beech groove of Allagnat On the territory of the village of Ceyssat, the beech groove of Allagnat with its hundred-year-old trees has over fifty different tree species and also many different ... Natural spot in OrcivalLAC DE GUERYOffice de Tourisme Terres Dômes-Sancy Le Bourg 63210 Orcival (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 04 73 65 89 77
- Fax : 04 73 65 89 78
A volcanic lake, 26 ha wide and 17 m deep
Natural spot in OrcivalLES VALLÉES DE LA PLANE ET DE LA GRAILLEOffice de Tourisme Terres Dômes-Sancy Le Bourg 63210 Orcival (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 04 73 65 89 77
Enjoy a walk in the Plane Valley where you will see a beautiful waterfall.
Natural spot in AurillacDomaine Lioran, une montagne neuveGérard Charbonnel 15000 Aurillac (Cantal) |