Accommodation, Bed and Breakfast dans le Puy-de-DômeJasserie Les AirellesCormier Marc SICHARD - 63660 - SAINT ANTHEME 63660 Saint-Anthème (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 3 34 73 95 82 98
- Mobile phone : 3 34 73 95 82 98
La Jasserie is an ancient typical farm of the region dating from 1850 to SICHARD (Saint ANTHEME). Marc and Silvia CORMIER you offer 5 rooms and table completely renovated (Bio) host (eco-renovation). Central heating is produced by a wood pellet boiler and aeration of any parts ensured through a VMC dual stream high-performance connected to a Canadian well (geothermal) which avoids the losses of heat by the recovering. 3/4 Of the Jasserie are fully dedicated to our guests. Stay with its stone walls and its beams of origin, has an authentic Auvergnate stack with a large arched oven.