Register your touristic spot in Auvergne it's free (in French)
Register your touristic spot in Auvergne it's free (in French)
Natural spot in OrcivalLES VALLÉES DE LA PLANE ET DE LA GRAILLEOffice de Tourisme Terres Dômes-Sancy Le Bourg 63210 Orcival (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 04 73 65 89 77
Enjoy a walk in the Plane Valley where you will see a beautiful waterfall.
Natural spot in OrcivalPUY DE DÔMEOffice de Tourisme Terres Dômes-Sancy Le Bourg 63210 Orcival (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 04 73 65 89 77
- Fax : 04 73 65 89 78
Natural spot in BayetUlm-airshot auvergneUlm-airshot.astuce-cadeau Auvergne Les grands champs 03500 Bayet (Allier)
Phone : 06 07 17 91 94
Photos aériennes de la région auvergne (Allier, Puy de dôme, Cantal, Haute-loire, Bourbonais,Val d'Allier, Val de Sioule)Tous les clichés sont réalisés à bord d'un ULM. Natural spot in AurillacDomaine Lioran, une montagne neuveGérard Charbonnel 15000 Aurillac (Cantal)Natural spot in OrcivalLA CHEIRE DE COMEOffice de Tourisme Terres Dômes-Sancy Le Bourg 63210 Orcival (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 04 73 65 89 77
The Cheire of the Puy de ComeA cheire is a local term for the uneven surface of certain lava flows. The lava flew out of the Puy de Come about 15000 years ago (access to the Puy de Come is ... Natural spot in OrcivalROCHES TUILIERE ET SANADOIREOffice de Tourisme Terres Dômes-Sancy Le Bourg 63210 Orcival (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 04 73 65 89 77
- Fax : 04 73 65 89 78
A unique volcano made of a cheminey (Tuilière) and a cone (Sanadoire) separatedbyavalley. From theTuilière rock, tiles used to be made. On the Sanadoire rock, a forteress used to stand but it was ...
Natural spot in AydatLe Parc Naturel des Volcans d'AuvergneParc Naturel Château Montlosier 63970 Aydat (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 04 73 65 64 00
- Fax : 04 73 65 66 78
The "Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne" is a natural site 393000 hectares, spread on 4 volvanic mount areas and a granitic hill. Its covers 153 towns and villages. Unique landscapes, ...
Natural spot in OrcivalHÊTRAIE D'ALLAGNATOffice de Tourisme Terres Dômes-Sancy Le Bourg 63210 Orcival (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 04 73 65 89 77
The beech groove of Allagnat On the territory of the village of Ceyssat, the beech groove of Allagnat with its hundred-year-old trees has over fifty different tree species and also many different ... |