
Accommodation, Campings in Auvergne

    To choose the camping, it is to be certain to share a moment close to the nature. You will have the choice between the tent for the most rash, the caravan for the accustomed and the bungalow or the mobil-home for those who wish more comfort. The charm of the camping, it is all above the meetings, the cheerfulness of the vacationers and all the good memories in the future.
25 in Auvergne.
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picture of Mini-camping - gîte Les Fayes
  • Average season of 17€ to 20€
  • High season of 17€ to 20€
  • Restaurant menu 25 €

Campings in Gouttières

Mini-camping - gîte Les Fayes

Erik et Rosalinda Jansen Les Fayes 63390 Gouttières (Puy-de-Dôme)
Phone : 04 73 85 81 19
Register your touristic spot in Auvergne it's free (in French)